I have a Dream!

I Have a Dream….

Martin Luther KIng at Tussauds

Martin Luther KIng at Tussauds


Like a Martin Luther King,

Like a Mandela,

Like a Mahatma..

I have. Dream!..The very spot where from King made his epoch making speech!

I have. Dream!..The very spot where from King made his epoch making speech!



That One day a Messiah will come…

He freeth this great nation of mine..

From communalism&corruption,

Poverty&pathetic state of a society..


Made up of 50 steel rods to give an effect of his face from a distance!

Made up of 50 steel rods to give an effect of his face from a distance!

Which boasts of Very  High Moral Standards

Once upon a Time!

Wherefrom Budha & Sankara&

Swami Vivekananda

Created an awareness

 all over the wold

For Very High Dharmic way of life..



I have still that Dream!


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“Yada yada hi dharmasya
Glanir bhavati bharata
Abhyutthanam adharmasya
Tadatmanam srjamy aham”
~ Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)


Whenever and wherever there is decay
of righteousness, O Bharata,
And a rise of unrighteousness
then I manifest Myself!

Lord Krishna


(Note :A Dreamer Doesn’t Know that

He is Dreaming in a Dream)

About s.rajah iyer

An MBA.. Interested in writing,Reading..Indian Philosophy
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1 Response to I have a Dream!

  1. RAjah Iyer sir,
    Without dream we cannot be optimistic and happy for our existence. Our dream should be full of hopes and faith in ourselves and our actions. thanks.


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